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December 22, 2011


I'm so sorry to hear you were mugged! I had a similar experience last year in New York. I hope you are able to relax and regroup over the holidays. Good luck to you in the new year and congrats on the job!

Wow, what a crazy story. Congratulations on graduating and finding a job, but how horrible to be mugged! Hugs and best wishes this holiday!!

Oh my god! That's awful. I'm so sorry you lost your camera and had to go through that. I hope everything is okay. I'm glad you have some great good news to temper that experience. Good luck to you with everything.


Gemma, I'm sickened to hear this. Had no idea from your tweets. Scary. Remember when Ted was mugged and the guy clocked him with a gun? Ugh.

Thrilled to hear all the good news, though. Congratulations (and I hope you get to replace that camera soon)!

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