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August 09, 2005


that is very exciting indeed! i have been a lurker at your blog for a while now, and i do hope you'll be able to post during your adventures!

the inn crowd in singapore is probably the best deal (hostel) in the city, if you end up there. if you do go to malaysia, kuala lumpur isn't so great, kind of hard to navigate, i hear the highlands are nice.

i hope you write about your travels online...

that's great news & i do hope you enjoy your travels. if you end up in auckland new zealand, i have a friend that might help you find a place to stay.

Hey there, sounds like a trip and a half! You'll love it, remind me of my travellin' days [looks wistfully into the air]

Do come to Malaysia then you get to eat all the yummy food we have. KL is nothing much as it's a big city but you should go to places like Malacca and Penang which is more historical. If you're coming during non-monsoon season (around Sept/oct), then you can also make a trip to the East Coast for the beaches and diving.

What great news, Gemma! As is only appropriate, I'm very, very jealous. Please do keep posting and reporting from wherever you are, if it's not too much trouble. But more importantly, soak it all up!

hi gemma, wow! how tremendously exciting...if you do wind up in southeast asia, and are dropping by singapore, would be more than happy to fill you in on the sights, smells, tastes ...cheers,j

Thank you everyone for your kind words and advice!

Have fun travelling! If you're near the Baltics sometimes in December/early January, drop me a line, and I may show you personally or then email the links to the best cafes/restaurants to visit in Tallinn:)

Likewise, if you reach Hanoi and feel like some street food experiences, drop us a line at stickyrice.

Pille and Sticky, thank you so much! Those are two areas that we are seriously considering/hoping to get to. I will be in touch if it works out.

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