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July 01, 2005


hehe......I share your obsession about nutritional yeast and yes there's a bag in my desk drawer at work :P

BTW, love your posts (breads)

Yay, it's up! Thanks for accepting my tag Gemma. It's funny about that "I went vegetarian and started cooking food" - same thing happened to me, and, I know for a fact, a lot of other food bloggers!

What's the deal with this meme thing and the tags?

Good interview. Thanks for the endorsement of my bizarre cooking habits.

Vegimouse, I am glad I am not alone! It is just so damn savory!

That is a funny coincidence Zarah. It really was my main push. Now if only I could start eating meat again I could be a real foodie! I don't think that is going to happen though. Oh well.

John, your cooking habits are no more bizarre than mine. Basically, one blog started this questionaire and it has been travelling around, kind of like a chain letter, so that we all get to answer. If you are tagged by someone you answer and tag three others, etc. etc.

The horrible things you've heard about Kobe beef? Dude!
I mean, I might not even mind being slaughtered for meat if I were receiving a daily massage, but such questions aside, it is really the most tender, delicious, incredible beef eating experience you'll ever have...

Hi Gemma,

I'd love to do the meme, but I just don't have time right now to think about my answers. We move in less than 3 weeks and I've fallen behind on getting things ready for our move. Thanks anyway! Going to have to put my new baking blog on hold till we move :(

No worries Teresa. Good luck with the move and I look forward to reading your blog!

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